
Be Nice To Me / short film

31 B izlenme  
Pipilotti Rist (Elisabeth Charlotte Rist, d. 1962 - Grabs, Sankt Gallen, İsviçre.), film ve video sanatçısı.

Zurich ve Los Angelas'da çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.

Film - Video sanat

* 1984 - St. Marxer Friedhof (Sankt Marx Cemetery) - 4 minutes
* 1986 - Das Gute (The Good) - 9 minutes.
* 1986 - I'm Not The Girl Who Misses Much - 7:45 minutes. - (Real Video)
* 1987 - Sexy Sad I - 4:36 minutes
* 1988 - (Entlastungen) Pipilottis Fehler ((Discharges) Pipilottis Mistakes) - 11:10 minutes
* 1988 - Japsen. With Muda Mathis - 12 minutes
* 1989 - Die Tempodrosslerin saust. With Muda Mathis - 14 mit
* 1990 - You Called Me Jacky - 4 minutes
* 1992 - Pickelporno - 12 minutes
* 1992 - (When My Mother's Brother Was Born, It Smelt of Pear Flowers Before the Brown Cornice) - 4 minutes
* 1992 - Blue Bodily Lettre
* 1993 - Blutclip - 2:50 minutes
* 1994 - Selbstlos im Lavabad (Selfless in the Bath of Lava)
* 1995 - I'm a Victim Of This Song - 5 minutes
* 1996 - Sip My Ocean - 8 minutes
* 1997 - Ever Is Over All
* 1998 - Remake of the Weekend
* 1999 - Regenfrau (I am called a plant)
* 1999 - Extremities
* 1999 - Vorstadthirn (Suburban Brain)
* 2000 - Open My Glade - 1 Min.
* 2000 - Himalaya's Sister's Living Room
* 2000 - Closet Circuit
* 2001 - The Belly Button Like a Village Square
* 2001 - Fliederstrudel (Fünf Uhr)
* 2001 - Related Legs
* 2004 - Herbstzeitlose
* 2005 - Homo sapiens sapiens - Gry Bay homepage with clip


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